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​2024 Registered Teams

  1. Gleaming the Kubb

  2. Triple Threat

  3. Chippewaffles

  4. YouKubb Influencers

  5. Dr. Düblé & da Prøntô Půps

  6. Kubbin For A Brewsin

  7. Here for the Beer

  8. Shinbusters

  9. Kubbacabra

  10. Brandyland

  11. Lancette's Triple Threat

  12. Beer Flavoured Nipples

  13. Dazed and Kubbfuzed

  14. InterKUBBtinental Ballistic Missiles

  15. Blockbusters

  16. Kuubert

  17. Pseudoscience For The Win

  18. Kubb 'Em All

  19. Kubbonpolk

  20. Kubbenheimer

  21. Chaska Super Funky Badasses

  22. Three Scotts

  23. Kubb Foods

  24. Kubb Style

  25. Kubbonic Plague

  26. D.B. Kubber

  27. Keeper of the Kubbs

  28. Blonde Bombers

  29. Forest Lake Kubb Society

  30. The Koobie Brothers

  31. Scruffy Nerf Herders

  32. Flux Capacitors

  33. Kubbing with the boys

  34. Kubba Chameleon

  35. Kubb Ertlinger

  36. Chaska Blue

  37. Dr. Feelkubb

  38. Lumber Party

  39. Totally kubbular

  40. Splinter Squad


  42. Lineup Larrys

  43. Brothers Kubb

  44. Kubb Nerds

  45. Kubb Crawl Callups

  46. Kraken's Glori

  47. Kubbappel's Army

  48. THE Kubbinistas

  49. The Darkness-Muninn

  50. Armed & Hammered

  51. Kubbetter Kubbetter Kubbet

  52. Beez Nutz

  53. CCB

  54. Broken Closers

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